/* 花火描画用データ */ data fireworks; rad = constant('pi')/180; call streaminit(777); do i = 1 to 5; xpos = rand("uniform",-30,30); ypos = rand("uniform",-30,30); do rmax = 0, 36; do r = 0 to rmax by 4; do a = 0 to 360 by 15; x=cos(a*rad)*r+xpos; y=sin(a*rad)*r+ypos; output; end; end; end; end; run; /* 花火描画 */ title; ods graphics / height=20cm width=20cm; options animation=start animduration=1.2 printerpath=gif; ods noresults; ods printer file="出力するGIFファイルのフルパスをここに指定。ファイル名は「fireworks.gif」とか適当に" ; %macro m_fireworks(i=,color=); proc sgplot data=fireworks aspect=1 noautolegend; styleattrs wallcolor=midnightblue; scatter x=x y=y / markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled color=&color size=0.1cm ); xaxis min=-50 max=50 display=none; yaxis min=-50 max=50 display=none; inset "Summer Greetings to All."/ position=bottom textattrs=(color=lightblue size=25cm family="Arial"); by rmax; where i=&i; run; %mend; %m_fireworks(i=1,color=yellow); %m_fireworks(i=2,color=skyblue); %m_fireworks(i=3,color=lightgreen); %m_fireworks(i=4,color=yellow); %m_fireworks(i=5,color=lightpink); ods printer close; ods results; options animation=stop; ods graphics / reset=all; |