/*** 碁石の位置 (y軸は碁盤に合わせて逆に指定[上から1,2,3...]) *******/ data pos; input black_x black_y_reverse white_x white_y_reverse; cards; 2 2 8 2 2 8 3 8 3 7 . . ; /*** 碁盤の線 *********/ data line; do line_x=1 to 9; do line_y_reverse=1, 9; line_grp=10+line_x; output; end; end; do line_y_reverse=1 to 9; do line_x=1, 9; line_grp=20+line_y_reverse; output; end; end; run; data igo; set line pos; run; /*** PLOT *******************/ proc template ; define statgraph tmpl_igo ; begingraph; layout overlay / wallcolor=CXFFC864 /* 碁盤の色 */ aspectratio=1 xaxisopts=( display=none displaysecondary=(line ticks tickvalues) linearopts=( viewmin=1 viewmax=9 tickvaluesequence=(start=1 end=9 increment=1) ) ) yaxisopts=( reverse=true /* y軸の数値の順番を逆 [上から下] にする) */ display=(line ticks tickvalues) linearopts=( viewmin=1 viewmax=9 tickvaluesequence=(start=1 end=9 increment=1) tickdisplaylist=( "一" "二" "三" "四" "五" "六" "七" "八" "九") ) ); /* 碁盤の線 */ seriesplot x=line_x y=line_y_reverse / group=line_grp lineattrs=(color=black pattern=solid); /* 碁石(黒)を配置 */ scatterplot x=black_x y=black_y_reverse / filledoutlinedmarkers=true markerfillattrs=(color=black) markeroutlineattrs=(color=black thickness=1) markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=40 ) dataskin=matte; /* 碁石(白)を配置 */ scatterplot x=white_x y=white_y_reverse / filledoutlinedmarkers=true markerfillattrs=(color=white) markeroutlineattrs=(color=gray thickness=1) markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=40 ) dataskin=matte; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data=igo template=tmpl_igo; run; |